Friday, December 09, 2005

I Mess With Texas, Part 4

My brother is in Austin, Texas. According to Mom, he says the house is so big "you could get tired walking from the living room to the front door." My SIL arrived Tuesday with Syd in tow. Mom and Larry get there Sunday.

From a newsgroup today:

"It got below freezing around noon. We've had about a 1/4 of freezing rain/sleet/snow. Big emergency. More than 100 auto accidents. School in the city delayed by two hours in the morning, and more parochial and rural schools are closed. Many staples were stripped from the shelves in the local store by 4 p.m. It might get as cold as 24 F before morning. In Austin this is major winter storm disaster."

24. Degrees. Above zero. Ninnies. Put down some damn salt.

Other version here.

God, it's so obvious, and mean, but I'll say it: Hell does freeze over. And we're supposed to tremble at the greatness of the stateness of Texas?

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