Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New Stuff

You never know what you're gonna learn that you didn't know the day before.

When I woke up today, I didn't know this was gonna be the day we all learned who Deep Throat was.

But we did.

I now eagerly anticipate the:

- re-release of "All the President's Men"
- the Mark Felt interview on Dateline, 60 Minutes and Prime Time Live (the latter of which will no doubt inform us he had an affair with one of Woodward's secretaries)
- the Woodward book on the subject
- the Bernstein book on the subject
- much discussion on keeping sources secret for 30 years.

Also tonight, filed under things I didn't expect to do:

- Meet Alfonso Cuaron, who is a hottie
- Meet Darren Aronofsky, who is not
- get drunk off of one screwdriver
- try to get Cuaron to come with me to Brooklyn to see this. In my stupor I was thinking the parody was done of his Harry Potter, not the first one. Fortunately, the man had to pack to go to London to, well, make a new movie and politely turned me down. But he did take my card.

And it's only Tuesday!

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