Went to a party a few weeks ago and, after watching some amazing fire skills by the professionals, I stepped forward and held on to some wire contraptions with lamp-oil soaked ends, lit up and danced around with drums a drumming in the background, until they went out.
Yes, I know the photos are dark.
These people know what they're doing, and still someone's trousers briefly caught on fire. No damage done, just some fabric that looked melted. They made sure I was only wearing organic fabrics first, in case of, well, catching-on-of-fire, because synthetics will stick to your skin. That's a nice thought. And they made me pin my hair up.
It was quite thrilling.
Admin note: I am considereing abandoning Blogger, for various reasons, and Vox has been wooing me quite pleasantly. So I am testing things out over there. But in order to read posts, you will need to be a Friends or Family, and you'll need a (free, but for right now limited) Vox account. You can snag an invite here.
Courtesy the amazing Go Fug Yourself.
Anyway, for now posting here will be limited, as I'm curious to explore some Vox. Head on over!
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