Thursday, June 08, 2006

I remember when I lost my mind

On the one hand, if I were still 18, I'd be so sarcastic and condescending right now. To myself.

But since I'm twice that, I get to be all excited when something new -- even something as stale as several weeks old -- gets me revved up.

So I will announce it here: I'm in love with Gnarls Barkley. Or should I say I'm crazy about him/them/it?

Yes, I am late to the party. But I'm here, and with extra beer.

In addition to my Gnarls purchase this evening, I also got two Dixie Chicks CDs (support for the cause, natch, but "Not Ready to Make Nice" is an excellent track, and plus now I'm going to see them in August) and Pink's latest, so I am actually excited about new music again. The iPod won't know what hit it.

Thanks, guys.

I really got to get to bed now.

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