Friday, July 28, 2006

Over the hedge

So, a few weeks ago I saw the film "Over the Hedge." First sighting of an opossum cartoonishly rendered on screen in quite some time. Perhaps ever.

And then the other day on Cute Overload, I came across this little bundle o' joy (who apparently crawled up through the pipes into someone's (blissfully unused) toilet.

And tonight, we get the three-fer: While taking Ciara out for her nightly wee, what should come strolling down the sidewalk (carefully keeping to the sides of the buildings where possible, before strolling into our building's grassy knoll area)?

Yep, a real-live opossum. About the size of the dog. I think the guy outsie on the cell phone thought it was a large rat, but I assure you: Possum.

How the hell does an opossum get out into Jackson Heights? Should we be watching the trees, where they nest?

Apparently I'm not the only one who has spotted 'possum in Queens. I am not, however, going to pelt it with soup cans.

And here's some fun 'Possum facts.


Corn Dog said...

Last week, my big dog alerted me that a 'possum was coming down the driveway. My dog did everything but take my hand and drag me to the window. The 'possum was huge, much larger than my small dog, and had 2 babies on her back like saddle bags. Mama 'possum was in no hurry, apparently out for a stroll with the kids.

Randee said...

Fortunately, my dog was not only unaware, but probably would have darted under the nearest parked car before approaching a possum.

I like possum in the 'hood. Now, if we could just get a few red foxes, I'd be a happy camper.