Sydney Central has been updated!
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I'm happy hope you're happy too
1. Blood (a small tube of faux red blood that turns invisible).
Result: Never opened, kept far away from her. "That never works," Craig warned.
2. Frogs (a plastic frog attached to a tube and squeeze end; it jumped when you squeezed).
Result: Best toy of all. Sydney squealed.
3. Lice (plastic bug).
Result: Placed into ice bucket.
4. Wild Beasts (a leopard mask whose nose fell right off).
Result: Sydney cried when I put it on.
5. Pestilence (or, affliction of the livestock; this was a small squeezable cow with gooey eyes; when you squeezed the cow more goo came out of the eyes. Particularly nauseating and wonderful).
Result: Much squeezing, much icking.
6. Boils (a green rubber sticky hand that you threw up against the wall and it stuck; also had a long green string coming out of the wrist end).
Result: Tossed up on wall, forgotten much of the night.
Later result: Removed, leaving faint handprint on wall, attached to my sister-in-law's nose while she fake-sneezed.
7. Hail (two white balls larger than ping-pong ones).
Result: Ignored.
8. Locusts (plastic grasshopper).
Result: Added to ice bucket.
Later result: "Can I have more ice?" Mom asked. Ice bucket opened. "The ice bucket is full of plagues."
9. Darkness (a small pair of sunglasses).
Result: Sydney broke in 1.5 seconds, but SIL reattached and she put them on and did a Stevie Wonder imitation.
Later result: Tears when they kept breaking.
10. Slaying of the firstborn (a puzzle indicating a dead kid).
Result: Never removed from plastic, put away as more morbid than the others.
George W. Bush and his people lied with their bare faces hanging out about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
They lied about connections between al Qaeda and the Iraqi government, lied about Iraqi connections to September 11, and further lied about the threat to America posed by Iraq.
They made a decision to invade that had nothing to do with those weapons, and even conspired with their British counterparts to goad Hussein into a war regardless of whether the weapons were there or not.
They used September 11 against the American people to frighten them into a fearfully subservient acceptance of the invasion.
They bypassed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in order to spy illegally on thousands of American citizens.
They leaked classified intelligence information in order to destroy a political foe, and in the process annihilated an intelligence network run by Valerie Plame. That network, it should be noted, was dedicated to tracking any person, nation or group that would deliver weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.
Every time they broke the law, their cronies in Congress manipulated those laws to make the actions taken legal.
Tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead. Tens of thousands more have been maimed. Millions live with the wretched deprivations caused by this war. The new Shia-dominated government wants no part of American involvement in this, and their so-called armed forces are in truth death squads masquerading as police and soldiers.
2,345 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, with 17 of those deaths coming in the first six days of April alone. Tens of thousands more have been grievously wounded; nearly two thirds of all injuries suffered by American soldiers in Iraq are brain injuries, and amount to permanent debilitation.
We will be generations digging out from under the vomitous refuse left behind by this administration. From this day forward, any politician who claims that censure is not appropriate and impeachment is a waste of time should have their head examined by a whole team of medical experts. Bush and his people have committed treason, and did so for the lowest of reasons: personal gain and political protection.